
Starting a company ($999),
creating a company , forming a company or registering a company in Australia -
How to start up a company, create a company, form a company or register a
company in Australia - Setting up a company in Australia - company registration
Australia |
Please note that the information below relates to a company incorporated under the 'Australia-wide' Corporations Act ...which is, by far, the most common type of incorporated company in Australia. The information does not relate to a far more obscure and more restricted type of incorporation, namely the incorporation of an association under the state-by-state 'Associations Incorporation' legislation. Also, the information does not relate to the mere registration of a business name. Further, before reading this material, you may first want to familiarise yourself with the following Incorporator information pages -
What are 'Shelf Companies'?
Some pros & cons of registering a company.
This information has been brought to you by Incorporator.com.au - Australia's first and only automated, triple award winning, online system for the creation of any type of Australian company. Click here, or on the 'Back' or 'Continue' buttons below, to go directly to the Incorporator website home page.